"YOU'LL FLOAT TOO." Pennywise 1:3 Scale Maquette Back in 1988 Bill Denbrough made the biggest mistake of...
Gremlins 2 Mohawk Maquette
MOHAWK The Gremlins are back, and this time, they've taken control of a New York media mogul's high-tech skyscraper! Director Joe Dante's...
Shape of Water Bust
At a top secret research facility in the 1960s, a lonely janitor forms a unique relationship with an amphibious creature that is being held in...
Freddy Maquette
Freddy Krueger 1:3 Scale Maquette Sleep, by design, is meant to refresh and renew us. It gives us a necessary break from reality. And in...
Jurassic Park Life-size T-Rex Head
For Jurassic Park , two life-sized Tyrannosaurus rex animatronics were constructed for use on sound stages in the Main Road attack sequence. One was...
Jason Maquette
Jason Voorhees 1:3 Scale Maquette "There's a legend around here. A Killer buried, but not dead. A curse on...
Ultraman Suit Ver.7.2 Bust
ULTRAMAN SUIT VER 7.2 Elite Creature Collectibles is proud to present the Ultraman Suit Ver 7.2 life size bust from the hit manga series...
Reptilian Grey Bust
Reptilian Grey Bust There are numerous tales about reptilian beings. In addition to the Draco and Reptoids, there are also reports of Reptilian...
Shape of Water Maquette
An otherworldly fable set against the backdrop of Cold War America circa 1962. Deep in the hidden high-security government laboratory where she...